We at Christ Church long to see God create a church that worships together, plays together, and prays together. We strive to be a neighborhood church that seeks to see the Kingdom of God expanded in our local community. Read below about our ministries to see how you can get involved more with the Christ Church community!

Men's Ministry


Monthly; 4th Friday 8:00pm

Once a month, the men of Christ Church gather for Calvin on Tap, discussing theology, enjoying fine food and beverages, and enjoying one another's company. Our Pastors lead us through this night of biblical reading and analysis, allowing the men of our community to connect through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Want to get involved? Contact Us for more details!

Women's Ministry


Monthly; 1st Friday 7:00 pm

The women of Christ Church come together each month for Uncorked, a night with friends, food, and exploring the lives of virtuous women in the Bible, creating rich relationships with Christ as well as with each other. 

CONTACT US if you want to get involved!


Monthly; 3rd Tuesday 7:00 pm

Women, Wit, & Lit is the monthly book study for the women at Christ Church, a fun time of connecting with each other though great literary works.

CONTACT US if you want to get involved!


Monthly; Thursday 9:00 am

The women of Christ Church gather together once a month for a Thursday morning Bible study led by Pastor Richardson, a perfect time (especially after dropping off the kids at school) to enjoy time with each other while studying the word of God.

CONTACT US if you want to get involved!

Young ADults Ministry


Mondays 7:00pm

Christ Church's weekly Monday night Bible study is where young adults in our community come together to enjoy a night of pizza, fellowship, and diving into the enriching word of the Lord.

Pastor Richardson leads this deep, thought-provoking analysis of various biblical passages, one verse at a time, providing clarity and leading our young adults in their lifelong journey with the Lord.

Please Contact Pastor Richardson at if you are interested!

Parish Groups

Monthly; 3rd Sunday after Church

On the third Sunday of every month, we at Christ Church gather together in Parish Groups to partake in a delicious potluck lunch after church.

This is the perfect opportunity to meet fellow members of our congregation, getting to know each other and enjoy each other's company over feasts and fellowship.

If you are new to our church, then we welcome you to talk our leaders or Contact Us to join one of our parish groups. We would love to have you!